We started a YouTube Channel ministry, that we have titled The Phenomenon of the Prophetic, in May of 2015. It would be hard to find in the Charismatic World (or any other world!) any subject that is less understood, less practiced, or less taught than the office of the prophet, so we feel that there is a great need in the Church for what we are presenting on our YouTube channel.

On this Channel, Deborah Sweetin and Robert Tucker team teach on the prophetic thread in the Bible that runs from Genesis to Revelation interwoven with their relating their personal experiences of how God has used them myriad times in the office of the prophet in many nations all around the world!

Also on this YouTube Channel Judy Branham, an ordained minister with Battle Cry Ministries International, teaches on the nuts and bolts of the make-up of the prophetic anointing. God has given her insight into this that we have never seen taught anywhere else – except in the Bible! The more we understand the prophetic anointing, the more we come to understand that God does not want us to try to live without it!
One of the great things about doing teaching on YouTube is that it is available to everyone anywhere in the world who has the Internet. Another thing is that it is free! Another thing is that you can stop, pause, or rewind as many times as you want to. Another great thing for the three of us who teach on the channel is that we only have to do each teaching one time and it is then available to everyone! It is a wonderful resource for any church or prophetic group that would like to begin a School of the Prophets in your organization, to add prophetic teaching in your already established Bible School, or simply to begin to educate yourself and your church or Bible Study group with this crucial information! One church in Missouri has been hosting bi-weekly meetings for six months now where they systematically view each of the teachings and then discuss the video material together.
Each teaching video gives you the opportunity to make comments or ask questions (in the blogging area below the screen), which can be viewed by the public, or you can email us personally with comments or questions with the email address given at the beginning of the blogging comments. To find our teachings, just go to YouTube and on its address line, type in “The Phenomenon of the Prophetic” and that will bring our teachings up. Or you can simply click on the T.P.O.T.P. link HERE.
We want to encourage all of you to check it out and to watch as many of the teachings as you can. Thank you!